God Be With You Til We Meet Again

God Be With You Til We Meet Again

Kyle Pederson (2023)

Voicing: SATB
Accompaniment: piano with optional electric guitar (or harp) or a cappella
Text: traditional Irish blessing, adapted, with additional lyrics by Kyle Pederson
Music: Kyle Pederson


May the road rise to meet you;
may the wind be at your back;
may the sun shine warm upon your face;
may the rains fall soft upon your field. 

God be with you 'til we meet again. 
May you know grace and mercy;
may you serve as you've been served;
may you forgive as you've been forgiv'n;
may you love as you've been loved.

God be with you 'til we meet again.

Program Note:

I’ve had this melody and text rattling around in my head for many years, and finally had the opportunity to flesh it out. The text is an adaptation of the traditional Irish blessing with additional original text, combined with the refrain, “God be with you ‘til we meet again.” The melodies and harmonies are very accessible—suitable for church and community choirs, as well as more experienced high school and college choirs.  The piano accompaniment provides good support and contains counter melody lines—and an optional ambient electric guitar part really adds an evocative element.  Ideal for a benediction/blessing or closing piece—or a graduation send-off concert. (An a cappella voicing for this piece will be coming soon.)